This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday

This week in booksThis week in books is a weekly meme hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. It asks what you’ve read recently, what you’re currently reading and what’s at the top of your TBR pile. Taking on a World of Words runs something similar called WWW Wednesday.

What I’ve read recently?

So over the past month I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump, however I seem to have turned the corner and while I’m not reading as fast as I can do, I am back reading. Over the weekend I finished one of my books for bookclub, A History of Loneliness by John Boyne. Its not the kind of book you feel right saying “I really enjoyed that”. However it is a very interesting and thought provoking book which I would highly recommend.


What I’m currently reading?

I’m currently reading, and listening to, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I’ve read it before, indeed it was one of my required texts in college but it got selected for a bookclub and I needed to jog my memory for the discussion…plus its a great book.


What’s at the top of my TBR pile?

Up next is my final bookclub read for this month, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Again its a book I’ve previously read but its short so figured I may as well.


6 thoughts on “This Week in Books or WWW Wednesday

  1. I read ‘Dorian Grey’ in high school as well and remember enjoying it a lot. I didn’t read ‘Perks’ until I was in college and wish I’d read it sooner. What a great book! Happy reading!


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